Boneyard Tales (retro paperback - signed)


perfect-bound, 194 pages (Greenbelt Press Jan. 2022)

*ships to U.S., Canada, & UK (international shipping fees include duty/tax)

Take a journey through Michael Carter’s boneyard by way of thirty-five bite-sized flash fictions. All with a speculative bent, the tales explore the magical and the real, outdoor life and the American West, delve into the psychology and horrors of crime, correction, and rehabilitation, and provide a glimpse of the end of the world as we know it.

Featuring new stories and previously published work from The Airgonaut, Aphotic Realm Magazine, The Arcanist, Ash Tales, Bear Creek Gazette, Black Flowers Literary Journal, The Cabinet of Heed, Close to the Bone, Coffin Bell Journal, Crimson Streets, Dream Journal, Ghost Parachute, The Ginger Collect, Haunted MTL, Horror Tree’s Trembling With Fear, The Molotov Cocktail, Mystery Tribune Magazine, Occulum, Pulp Modern Flash, Reflex Fiction, Shotgun! Strange Stories, Sirens Call Publications, and The World of Myth Magazine.